Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Corruptive Influence Of Shakespeare

This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath,
May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet

- Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare

Jeans, shorts, skirt or dress? Flats, wedges or heels? A woman's wardrobe choice is anything but vignette. While it easy to don textile materials over your meat suit, keeping an attractive facade while maintaining comfort is a never-ending dilemma. There's always your comfort, your mood, the weather and the amount of walking to do to influence your wardrobe decisions.

In my case, I'd always wear something pretty when I feel my worst. Like those days when I feel bloated (thanks to my unreliable pancreatic activities that make hormone imbalance virtually inevitable), or when I feel downright under the weather, I'd just get my pretty polka-dotted brown dress, wear a petticoat underneath (in addition to other unmentionables), curl my hair and I'm good to go. 

This day is a sterling example.

I have quite a few nasty pimples taking up residence on my face, hence the excessive use of the beauty shot feature of my camera. 

I think I have previously blogged about the rustic old stairway at Michael's place. There's something about the burst of wild plants, the unkempt surroundings and this make-shift gate that beckons to me. Come to think of it, I really do find it ironic that I get to live near the beach and Michael gets to live in an area with an overabundance of botanical life. I think he is more the beach type of person whereas I am more of a forest-lover kind of person. I grew up watching Mary and the Secret Garden and Alice In Wonderland, not Baywatch. Not that Michael watched Baywatch during his younger years, or did he? 

But anyway, I digress. 

I brought this old Romeo and Juliet book as a prop. It was a few of the books I managed to save from my Mom's old college stuff. At least I thought it was hers. I wasn't really expecting to use it but in between whipping up some epic Spaghetti, we had a bit of photo op. 

I have to say Michael's an excellent point-and-shoot photog. But he has to be considering the amount of cream puffs I am feeding him. And let's not forget to credit my admirable nagging skills. haha! Forgot to take photos of the cream puffs though. They look quite tasty although I can only finish one.  Myk seems to have a bottomless stomach for that stuff. 

I took some photos of Myk too just in case you're curious of his camwhoring skills. We had quite a few similar shots. Kindred spirits much? :) It's actually me demonstrating what I wanted the photo to look like. haha! See how my nagging skills worked?

He was actually traipsing all over the area barefoot so I had to crop this photo. But don't tell him I revealed his secret! XD jkjk.

Don't you just love old books, polka-dotted dresses, a supportive boyfriend and laid-back days? I certainly do. With the chaos that is my life pretty much from Mondays to Fridays, simple moments like these are really worth immortalizing.


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