Saturday, May 7, 2011

Never Too Old For Tulle Skirts And Teddy Bears

I'm back from a semi-hiatus. 

Sorry for the sloppy photos and the ugly editing. I needed something to post and I quickly donned yesterday's outfit and fixed my hair a bit for an impromptu shoot.

I closely resemble a drenched chicken, i know. It was early in the morning when these photos were shot but the heat was already unbearable. The weather has been so unforgivably hot. You can't walk ten paces without sweating like crazy! And it's difficult to find an outfit that won't literally insulate you. So I had to make-do with this loose top and tulle skirt. 

You know, I have been forcing myself to deviate from the tulle skirt/dress look but every time I put on another ensemble, I find myself taking it off and reaching for my cutesy outfits. Forgive me. I'm such a predictable dresser. But the good news is, I probably have found my fashion niche! oh well...

On another note, I made a pact with my higher self. In the next 3 months, I will avoid any major shopping expeditions. I literally have a thrift store in my closet! I and sister are contemplating on selling some of our clothes and shoes. I plan to really start saving money. /crosses fingers

So there. Just saying hi to my readers and I'll probably be back for better photos next week! Will resume my Fringe addiction now! Mata ja ne minna!


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